A so badly fart caused to be suspended County Assembly in Kenya
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Things got heated at a meeting in Kenya which had to be suspended after someone farted.
The Homa Town County Bay Assembly had to be interrupted on Wednesday when the foul smell took over the chamber.
To make matters worse, it was 31C outside which only added to the suffocating atmosphere.
A member of Parliament in Kenya this week let off a fart so potent that a debate actually had to be suspended.
Attendee Julius Gaya reportedly interrupted the speaker saying:
''Honourable speaker, one of us has polluted the air and I know who it is.''
The accused, who will remain nameless, didn’t think to suggest he who smelt it dealt it but did offer this by way of a riposte:
''I am not the one. I cannot do such a thing in front of my colleagues.''
The speaker decided to deal with the matter in hand with alacrity.
''Let the sergeant spray the air with fresheners to make it pleasant.
Get whatever flavour you will find in any office, whether it’s vanilla or strawberry.
We cannot continue sitting in an environment that smells bad.''
Still, no word on who the culprit was in Kenya, perhaps one for Sarah Koenig to investigate in the next season of Serial.
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